I offer three hour Soul Healing sessions in my bodywork practice. Interested clients often ask me, what exactly is that? Good question, because the treatment is completely tailored to the specific needs of the client. I offer over ten different healing modalities, and the energy field of the receiver tells me what it needs and what needs to release. So, in all honesty it is a bit of a mystery to me what I will do in the soul healing session until the receiver is on the table and I have had a chance to tune into them. Often times though, I begin the three hours with Lomilomi because it is such a powerful modality to clear cellular memory from the body and rejuvenate the connection to the soul. Life can be a bit of a marathon, and what a liberating feeling to release what no longer serves us in our present day life. Many times our stress and old baggage prevents us from truly being ourselves. Connecting with the truth of who really are, what we really feel, and what we want from our life is true personal power.